Nowhere Found
Nowhere Found
By Annaleise Chalmers

Nowhere Found is a place I often find myself.


This awkward combination of left and right, up and down, and push and pull. I feel restless to explore but comforted by home, afraid to take the first step but excited about the outcome, frustrated by my imperfections but inspired by the imperfect journey of someone else. Since I started photography I have found myself sitting somewhere in the middle - stopping, breathing, and appreciating the moment.

We are all guilty of letting these moments slip from our grasp and getting caught up in the story. To let the never-ending to-do list and gravitational pull to do more, have more, and be more become the point of life.

The collection of photo stories curated for Nowhere Found represent a personal project - a mission - to collect moments that have been truly life-giving for me. In turn I hope these inspire you to stop, breathe, and appreciate. To fall in love with the good, the messy, and the ugly that is on offer to us each day. To choose love over hate, joy over pain, and acceptance over judgement.

To say the realisation of Nowhere Found has taken some time would be an understatement. My creativity peaked out from the cupboard a couple of years ago, inspired by the many creatives interviewed by The Great Discontent and has taken a lot of nurturing and vlog watching to put on display in broad daylight. I feel a special mention needs to be made to my dad for lending me his digital camera for a year before I could afford my own, my mum for sitting through countless photos which were both good and bad and many other friends who have posed for a shot, waited patiently whilst tinker and fiddle with settings and believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. I am grateful, thank you.



A Japanese term meaning finding beauty within the imperfections of life and peacefully accepting the natural cycle of growth and decay