
Sometimes I feel and think too much. The weight of so many things said and done, so many things not said and not done resting on my shoulders. I walk through them like mud, slow and lifeless getting tired of the endless circle of trying to make sense of the things that happen in this world. Am I giving these thoughts too much meaning, too much authority in my decision process. Do we all think too much and feel too little or do we feel too much and think too little? In this life do we ever get this mix just right or is it all really about getting it oh so wrong. We hold these standards up for ourselves, a list of should’s which has the only purpose to make us feel guilty. Well I say fuck the should’s, go live your life whether you are too much or too little for someone or yourself that matter. This world needs you in all your muchness.
Here's the vibes for this weeks post. Press play and scroll away.
be insecure
in peace.
allow yourself
know that it is
the way to who you are are.
- Nayyirah Waheed
Lapland, Finland
67.9222° N, 26.5046° E
Annaleise Chalmers