Waterloo Skatepark Pt. 1

Waterloo Skatepark Pt. 1

The sound of the shutter closing and opening again becomes all too familiar as a photographer.  “Look over my left shoulder”. Click. “Raise your eyes a little bit”. Click. ”Breathe” Click. ”Think of the last time you hugged your closest friend” Click. ”Relax your arms a little bit”. Click. This little mechanism allows us to capture unique moments in time that will never be repeated again; the interaction between two people, the expressions on their faces and the mood they find themselves in that day. However, as 100 photos turn into 10,000 photos that noise can become repeatable, mundane even. We stop hearing it, appreciating it and something responsible for so many stories and memories sulk away from the spotlight. I have repeated this pattern in many areas of my life and am challenged to notice and appreciate. I think Andre D Wagner puts it beautifully:
“…I’ve dedicated myself to noticing what everybody else is missing. I show people what the world actually looks like”.
I think Andre would hear the shutter and now I want to too.

Here's the vibes for this weeks post


"Fuck your inspirational quotes - i'm filled with doubt & fear & bad decisions"
- Bad ass creative Timothy Goodman


Waterloo Skatepark
33.9022° S, 151.2031° E