Tokyo Pt.2

The washing machine breaks, a deadline looms in the distance, a small conflict with a friend remains unresolved and the advertisement for hungry children reminds me I can always do just a little bit more. A number of small events jump onto our path on a daily basis often leaving us feeling a little empty, a little down and a little blah. In these moments, gratitude can feel like an impossible emotion to conjure up. I have found that experiences whether they be big or small release gratefulness like a caged bird. Reflecting on the stories made, the laughs shared and the footpaths travelled slowly melts away the gritty emotions that so often linger unwelcomely. Pursue experiences with unrelenting persistence, and observe how your outlook expands.
Here's the vibes for this weeks post. Press play and scroll away.
Tokyo, Japan
35.6895° N, 139.6917° E
Annaleise Chalmers