Backdrops of Darlinghurst

Backdrops of Darlinghurst

I thought I would share with you the inspiration for today's post. I hope it inspires you to pursue your own version of creative exploration, even when some days just putting on pants is enough of an achievement.

I had been sitting in the apartment all morning feeling anxious about getting out and shooting for the afternoon. I was creatively blocked and stuck in the infinite scroll of Instagram, waiting for the inspiration to strike. The more I tried, the more it escaped me. Scott pulled me off the couch and said let's take the pressure off and just forget about what we think we need to do today. We went for a wander around Darlinghurst and stumbled upon Edition Coffee Roasters for a quick caffeine fix. Daniel and his team have done an incredible job curating the atmosphere of Edition. It's calming, refreshing and, to be honest, a beautiful space to be in. Light streams through the windows facing the quiet neighbourhood streets, magazines lay on the coffee table ready to tell stories of roads less travelled and a steady stream of creations flow from the kitchen bringing delight to all the senses. Two coffees in and some amazing conversing later I started to think less and see more. We continued to explore the neighbourhood and I started to notice some striking coloured walls popping out from side streets. The more we walked, the more photos were taken, and the idea for this post started to take shape. Experiencing the world led to inspiration and inspiration led to ideas.

The moral is when you find yourself in a bit of a rut I encourage you to accept the feeling, walk out the door and enjoy this bloody beautiful world. Seek the path rather than where the path leads and the inspiration will come as you walk.

Here are the vibes for this weeks post. Press play and scroll away.


Let me fall if I must, the person I become will catch me.
- Sheryl Sandburg


- Thanks to the team at Edition Coffee Roasters for creating an incredible space where inspiration can roam -


33.8780° S, 151.2204° E