Waterloo Skatepark Pt. 2

Waterloo Skatepark Pt. 2

I am currently packing my life into 15 boxes, 2 suitcases and a camera bag to move to Helsinki, Finland. It is a time of being in-between. In between countries, in between flats and in between jobs. Given I am a person of habit and enjoy predicability, the in-between is an uncomfortable place for me. I am challenged to not wish my life away until I have reached my destination and accept peoples kindness and generosity. This icky feeling rises up making me want to run away, change my mind and continue as I always have. But I exhale. To every up there is a down and to every left there is a right and to every in-between there is a destination. No moment is final and no feeling will stay for ever. 

Here's the vibes for this weeks post. Press play and scroll away.


" Follow your heart and your gut. Don't do work because you think it is going to appeal to a particular person or market. Do work that you think is great."
- Sophie Ebrand, The Great Discontent interview



Waterloo Skatepark
33.9022° S, 151.2031° E